A review by happyclouds
残次品 [Can Ci Pin | Imperfections] by priest



okay so goodreads says this book is 1.5k pages but it definitely felt WAY WAY WAY LONGER ???

anyway, wow. this was a real rollercoaster from start to finish. so many plot twists, and a really cool world-building concept that i felt too small brain to understand most of the time, but still REALLY AWESOME.

i had a hard time getting into the book at first, but i was invested by book 2. there's just so much that happens and i can't even believe the beginning of the book even existed bc it seems like so long ago shdfhsdhf

the character development in this book is phenomenal. i really loved seeing lin jingheng and lu bixing both grow and change and MATURE and it was all perfect. also, their relationship growth was SO. SO. SO GOOD !!!!!! i'm going to scream about it forever because their conflicts with each other would only bring them closer and i'm just <3 <3 <3 <3

although i did skim some parts of the book bc the details would just get too much sometimes for my pea brain, it was still an amazing book from start to finish <3