A review by 00laura23
Visions of Lady Mary by Rachel Ann Smith


3.5 stars
This is the third book in the Agents of the Home Office series. We’ve heard about these characters in previous stories. The subplot continues and more information is obtained about the person they’ve been chasing. I like Mary and Gilbert and enjoyed their romance. These two are interesting characters, especially Mary with her gift. The characters talk about the ones from the other books in the series, but we don’t see them on page.

This was my least favourite in the series. I found the repetitiveness of Mary not wanting to marry Gilbert and deciding between two other choices tiring. I was ok with it the first few times, but it was a major plot point. I would have liked for Mary’s gift to have played more of role in the investigations as apposed to it being tied to trust and acceptance (although that was a good analogy).

I am looking forward to reading the final book in the series and hope to get to see more of all the previous characters and seeing them in the future, given some of the hints we’ve been given throughout the books.