A review by tobbled
In Deeper Waters by F.T. Lukens


[ 2.5 stars ]

This book made me a reviewer.

I’ve never written a book review before: usually I don’t have strong, clear opinions. This book, however, had me commenting on the useless exposition from about page 5.
It’s cute, don’t get me wrong. That’s what gave it those 2.5 stars. Other than that:

- The plot was eh. Boring, simple, repetitive information. Also, overly predictive.
- The characters were just. Contrived, they were contrived. They had little to no character development (or even personality in the beginning)
- The writing. Wasn’t so bad actually. It was light, easy, fun- at some times. It was just the dialogue and the exposition that just felt forced. I’ll give it this: there was a good semantic field for like 10 pages before a ‘big reveal’.

Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t hate the book. It was just a let down. I’d recommend this for someone who just wants a soft, fluffy, insta-love romance with a happy ending.