A review by heyjudy
Black Dawn by Rachel Caine


[Taken from my blog: http://geekyreading.blogspot.com/2012/05/review-black-dawn-morganville-vampires.html ]

I love Morganville. I’m not sure how else to say this, other than tell you that I love this series. It is probably (or, most definitely,) one of my favorite series. I started this series when only a handful of the books were out, I think, and read the new ones almost immediately after I get them. Sometimes a series will get tiring after so many books, but this one just gets better and makes me love it even more after each one. This one included.
Black Dawn was the continuation of the draugs, with, um, that thing with Amelie, and then something bad happened with Shane, which gave me a very cute moment between him and Claire, and some tense stuff happened between Eve and Michael, and there were a lot of point-of-view changes, and then it ended with something that I’m unsure of between Amelie and the Draug and Oliver, and I want the next one.
Sorry, I’m trying to keep it vague and spoiler-free, since I know that a lot of people haven’t read this far into, or any of, this series. (Which, what is wrong with you? Go read them now!)
I love Shane and Claire. Clair is amazing, and totally badass, and even more so in this book. One scene in particular with Oliver, and then a bit later with Myrnin, was very awesome and badass. And I always love the scenes between Claire and Shane, they always make me smile and fangirl all over the place. Also, I found that I didn’t care as much about the chapter in other peoples’ point-of-view. Not that I would skip them, or anything, just that I didn’t enjoy them as much. Not Shane’s, though; I kind of did enjoy those. The others’ were interesting, I liked being in their head and seeing what they were seeing; I just personally enjoy Claire and Shane more.
I don’t think I liked what happened with Amelie at the end. I was prepared for the opposite, and while I see the merits to it, it just doesn’t seem right. Maybe that everything shouldn’t have worked out so well, I guess. I’m curious about what will happen in the next one, between Amelie and Oliver, and how Clare and Shane and them are, ah, kind of neutral now. I’m really curious, actually, what will happen next.
I’m super excited for the next one, want it now, and don’t want to wait. But I’m glad that I don’t have to wait a whole year, like with most other books.
(Sidenote: In this book, it’s mentioned that Eve is the big sister to Jason. What? I never really thought about it, but I guess figured that she was the youngest, and totally skipped the whole part when it was first mentioned. Her being older makes sense, what with leaving him behind and how he turned out, but I was really surprised.)
(Oh, also, I remember Caine mentioning that she’s working on another YA book. Romeo and Juliet type of thing? Doesn’t sound as appealing as I would hope, but I’m still excited to read it, whenever it comes out.)(It’s kind of amazing how many books she works on and releases around the same time.)