A review by renpuspita
Always Be My Banshee by Molly Harper

funny hopeful lighthearted medium-paced


 3,5 stars

Four book already (and 1 novella or novelette, whatev), and I can feel that the story aspect such as setting, background, etc can be formulaic. Although, I don't mind the formulaic part, since I considered Mystic Bayou series as comfort read. We have characters with family issues, small town community, friendship that may come as forced at first but not at all. I'm glad that the friendship part not just from the heroine part, but the hero as well. Add it with humor, especially from Zed. I swear, it's Zed that make this series interesting. Not that I think both h/H, Cordelia and Brendan (whom name apparently a combination from Brendan Fraser and Richard O'Connell. You know, THE MUMMY. My favorite movie, though) are boring, but seriously, Zed is the reason why I found this series charming in its own way.

So, Cordelia is a psychic with a terrible power because she will get memories and feeling from anything she touch. Must be very miserable and add it with control freak mother, not exactly a happy childhood. Again. In the other side, Brendan is a banshee. Now, when you ask "but, I think banshees are usually women?", mind you that Brenda is a rare case. Sadly, Brendan abilities as a banshee just come short to when he can predict people's dead but...yeah just that. Their love can be categorized into lust, er, love at the first sight, especially from Brendan side, and its seems that Cordelia can't feel what Brendan think when she touch him. Reason for that is spoilery, so you must read the book first. The problem is continuous from book 3, Sonja and Will's book, since the artifact on the rift is acting again. There's interruption from the League's office that apparently come from the high place, Cordelia's lost love that appear again and potentially create DRAMA, Jillian's pregnancy, then something sinister try to target the artifact. But don't fret, there's always pie that will soothe the h/H soul when there's trouble brewing. Because apparently, everyday is a pie day in Mystic Bayou. But, if you have a brownie, in this case Siobhan that can give you a pie that suitable for what you need (not what you want), who will said no?

The romance is kinda feel rushed, and maybe there's lack of development since the drama part come from misunderstanding and potential of love triangle (don't fret, there's none). But, the artifact plot is written nicely. The problem kinda wrapped up, although seems like there's new trouble brewing in the horizon. Part of why I like the Mystic Bayou is the familiarity that I feel when reading about old characters. In this case, Jillian, her dragon beau Bael (which real name is...let's say I prefer his dragon name), ofc Zed (my favorite Mayor that always make me cackling), his lady love Danica that obsessed with llama, and the almighty Sonja with her selkies boyfriend Will. Also another Mystic Bayou lovely citizens that I never get tired to read their daily life. I think that Always be My Banshee can't be read as stand alone and so you must start how it's all began in How To Date With Your Dragon.

I just wish this series don't come in audio book version first. Because I don't do audiobook (my English listening skill is rusty) and the ebook version come 6-7 months later after the audio book released. Too much time for waiting.