A review by jordi
The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky


This novel is full of:

- Repetition. For some reason everyone in that village thinks that others are deaf. And they should repeat any important sentences twice. It would be cool if only one character did it, but it seems it does not matter how well or bad educated you are. Repeating sentences is cool.

- Sick people. Main reason of sickness is being worried. No less than three characters would get fever and bed rest for weeks after worrying too much. There are also other source of sickness to the point of wondering if the water around there is drinkable at all.

- Unrealistic dialogues. Monologue is the main way of conversing, it seems. Always about God, ethics or any other abstract topic, of course.

- More repetition. I hope not to reveal much saying there will be a trial in the novel. Witnesses will repeat everything which had happened in the novel till that point. Then the public prosecutor will summarize it again and then the defense lawyer will repeat it for the fourth time. Each with a slight different angle and explaining about the Russian soul. This part is so dry that even people giving 5 stars to the novel complains about it.

- Exaggeration. This is the pattern used by half of the characters around 40 or 50 times in the novel:
I will unless . Serious guys, you are way too dramatic.

- Lack of speech. Often, way too often something happens and some character is speechless. Which is cool because some other will start its 10pages monologue so someone has to give room.

- Lack of resolution. Sure Dostoyevsky wanted to make a second and third part of this, but could have rounded up this one a little bit more. Like, what happened with Liza, she disappears 300pages before the end and there is no hint of what's going on with that.

I could continue. I've seen the rest of the reviews. Lots of 5 stars. I've read them, I can't buy the arguments.
For instance: "It has friendship, family, doubt, self-sacrifice. Everything what's being human"
Sure, but so does other many many books. Damn, Hyperion, a sci-fy book, read it, the consul story only got all that. And that's one of 7 pilgrims.

Other argument "Very realistic" . Come on, the conversations there were ridiculous as well as most of the characters. They are extreme characters to represent ideas "the passion" "the rationale" "the faith" etc. It was everything but realistic.

I've also seen reviews of people saying things like "slow, boring, took me forever" and give it 5 stars...

If anything I can buy it made you think. Nice. I like that, extra star for it.

But Dostoyevsky totally blew up this one. He needed more sun there and going out for a walk instead of so many hours writing, would he have finish this book at a 200 pages mark, it would have been good. Delete monologues and repetitions, that's 400pages off at least.