A review by mars_aria
Carrier of the Mark by Leigh Fallon


I really disliked this story: http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lxr6jyQrLb1r3zat8.gif

The idea itself was a good one, but I somehow felt it to be a little unoriginal. It reminded me of the equally bad story plot of the movie the Seeker. I don't know why, it just did. I felt like the characters had no depth. They were just THERE. I completely disliked the main character. She was annoying to me. I couldn't connect with her as a reader at all. I felt no sympathy for the things she went through. I didn't really feel much at all. And I think that's important for a story to capture you in that way, to make you feel things for the characters or give you a message/theme from the book. Those, in my opinion, are important elements to a story. Carrier of the Mark, to me, just didn't have them. And I have to say I am thoroughly surprised to know that this book was worthy of a sequel. But, hey! Maybe the series will get better in the rest of the trilogy. I, though, will not be reading to find out.