A review by take_me_awayyy
Starcrossed City by Josephine Angelini


Wow, ok I really don't know what to say... Besides the fact that I'm disappointed. I was expecting much more out of this book. I waited forever to buy it because I was on the fence due to all the mixed reviews, but then I went ahead and said to h*ll with it and this was my reactions to different parts of the story: BEGINNING- Ok, I like the Greek mythology mix in. MIDDLE- ZZZZZzzzzzz. (I even started reading another book in the middle of it... Which was a bad idea because it was Mara Dyer... It was wayyy better than this...) Anyways, the END- Geez, I'm not finished yet?!
I have to admit though, I kinda did like the ending, but I couldn't really enjoy it because I was too busy thinking about the middle and just trying to get to the last page. It took entirely too long to "get good".... I understand you're shooting for a series, but Gah lee lol And because I felt like the story was being drug out, the explanation of everything was taking too long as well. It was like the same things were happening over and over. (Ex: Helen and Lucas fight, Helen trains, Helen eats heartily).
But there was some things I liked about the book. The powers Helen had and the necklace was cool. Maybe I was just spoiled about the way Greek mythology should be mixed in a story from Rick Riordan and his Percy Jackson series... (And yes I KNOW they're for two different age groups...)
Lastly, I want to talk about Helen. Sooo I'm not sure if its just me, but I felt like she was a little spineless. She was willing to let herself be vulnerable to her attacker because she couldn't be around a boy... Maybe that had to do with the Fates, but it kind of got to the point where I was wondering if she had ANY kind of backbone. Now to Claire... She annoyed the crap out of me. How do you magically know everything that's been going on already but never said anything. Best friend, kid, or not, they would've freaked out. I guarantee someone would've had some kind of questions. Maybe I'm being too realistic about this fictional situation, but Angelini could've at least made her a little more believable...
But enough of my ranting... due to my love for Greek mythology, I was able to finish the book.