A review by spilled
The Baker Street Letters by Michael Robertson


I liked the idea behind the book, where two brothers who inadvertently end up in Sherlock Holmes' fictional address have to respond to all the letters to Holmes that come to their office. The main protagonist was sort of a turd, but that's fine too, because sometimes that's way more true to life than a perfect protagonist. The story was interesting, etc. The thing that got me is that for much of the story everyone's like "who has the only copy of that one important paper?" and "oh no he stole it and now I'll never have it again!" and I just wanted to yell at the people in the book YOU LIVE IN THE AGE OF THE INTERNET! Scan the thing and send it to everyone you know. Or, if you're too busy to find a scanner and a computer, go to Kinko's and spend $5 and make 100 copies of it and mail them to people, or hand them out, or whatever. As another reviewer pointed out, he also spends a lot of time going places to ask people questions that Google could have answered for him in 8 seconds. BUT all that aside, I did like the book, even if my review seems unfavorable.