A review by michalice
Burning Kingdoms by Lauren DeStefano


When I first read Perfect Ruin I was hooked on another one of Lauren's books, I could not wait for the publication of Burning Kingdoms to be published. Burning Kingdoms picks up after the events of Perfect Ruin, with Morgan and the rest of the group finding themselves on Earth and taken in by a family.

I began reading Burning Kingdoms, eager to find out what would happen next, but I found it hard to get into this story. My initial reasoning for this was that it had been a long times since I read the first book, so some names took a while for me to connect to the character and who they were in Morgan's life. However, once all the dots were connected I still struggled with the book, with only a few bits that caught my attention.

I thought it was interesting seeing how this group of people from Internment try to figure out this new place they find themselves in,  how words are different, and trying to process how things work. Birdie was someone who I liked, and although she does lead some of the girls astray, she shows them around and introduces them to new things. Celeste was someone who I didn't really take to, she may be the princess of Internment, but she is definitely up to something with all her scheming with king Ingram.

Putting those bits aside, I felt like Burning Kingdoms didn't really progress much. There was a lot of waiting around, a lot of backwards and forwards to the King, but no real progression to the story as a whole. I do feel that Burning Kingdoms was more of a filler book than an actual addition to the series.

Final Verdict
Burning Kingdoms had some likeable parts in it, but overall I did struggle to get through this one.