A review by redhairedashreads
Connection Error by Annabeth Albert


5 stars - I loved it!

This was a wonderful book and I couldn’t put it down. Unlike the previous two books this one is a bit different because both Ryan and Josiah are both out and comfortable with their sexuality and they both have supportive families. Ryan and Josiah have a wonderful relationship that shows that long distance relationships can work and communication is important. 

Ryan was a confident and determined man who really is set on getting his life back and returning to active duty. Ryan was flirty and cocky from the very beginning and I really enjoyed seeing him go after what he wanted, which was Josiah. While he is extremely confident, he does have a lot of insecurities around his body and around his ex-fiance who recently left him. I enjoyed seeing him let go of these insecurities and work towards being comfortable again with his body. Also I think Albert did a great job at showing the good and the bad of his struggle with rehab and the loss of his legs. 

“Josiah made him laugh. Made him feel important. Made him feel hopelessly tender and brutally strong at the same time.”

Josiah was an adorable character with a lot of personality. I loved seeing him build confidence in himself and learning to be more independent. It was wonderful seeing Ryan supporting Josiah and respecting his determination to do things on his own. He never makes Josiah feel helpless or that he needs to be tended to. Josiah was just a wonderful and sweet guy and I loved seeing him find love. 

These two had a wonderful relationship. I loved how they built their friendship over emails and chats and, of course, online gaming. It really created a strong base for their relationship and was just a wonderful slow love that I didn’t want to put down. I just adored these two so much! 

Trigger Warnings; ableism; hospitalizations and physical therapy; death of father mentioned; Ryan is adjusting to a recent double leg amputation and learning to use prosthetics.