A review by the_bookish_raven
Whispers From Before by Abigail McKenna, Hannah Carter, Rosie Grymm, Mariella Taylor, Savanna Roberts


4.5/5 stars (rounded up to 5)

I received an ARC of this book, and I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

I've never reviewed an anthology before, but I really enjoyed this one! I've always loved mythology, so it was really interesting to see how it was portrayed here!

While I loved all the stories, my favorites were Of Underwoods and Underworlds and When the Night Left. Of Underwoods and Underworlds follows Haddie Underwood on her journey to fix one of her mistakes. Haddie is a force to be reckoned with, so I found her story really amusing! The mythological elements were blended into the story well, and I loved the character development! When the Night Left is a beautiful love story between the girl who paints sunsets and the man who brings the night. It's a really short story, but I thought it was very well-written! The romance was my favorite part!

I enjoyed the other three stories as well! The Gumiho of Dragon River did an excellent job of capturing the evil of the fox spirit as well as the familial love between siblings! The various settings in the story were so vividly described, and the writing overall was great! The Breakriver Banshee had such a unique writing style and I loved its take on banshees! The characters felt realistic, and they were probably my favorite part of this story! Namakaokahai’s Treasure really fascinated me! I've never read anything like it before! I believe it's based on Hawaiian mythology (please correct me if I'm wrong!) The elemental aspects were so cool, and the writing was lovely!

The stories in this anthology did an excellent job of turning various myths into new stories that will leave you wanting more! I loved the different kinds of mythology represented here, and each story was amazing! I would definitely recommend this anthology to mythology and fantasy fans!

Content: clean romance, but some violence; no language