A review by kindlelovingmom
Worth Fighting For by Laura Kaye


This is a great little novella in the Warrior Fight Club series, and it's also a crossover with Kristen Proby's Big Sky series.

Tara Hunter almost died in an on-the-job accident while on a dive in the Navy. After her medical discharge, she was at loose ends, and was scared to get back in the water again. Once she overcame that fear, she got a job working as a commercial diver, doing similar work to what she was doing before. Her job is everything to her, and she has ways she's found of keeping her anxiety as low as possible. She can't let anything distract her, or hold her back.

Jesse Anderson is also a former Navy diver, though he retired after 20 years of service. He joined straight out of high school, so this civilian life has left him scrambling a bit. He's excited to score the commercial diving gig in D.C., and goes out the night before since he can't sleep. He meets Tara in the local bar, and they have an amazing night together. When he shows up to work on his first day the next morning, there she is. How can he make her see they might have something that's worth the risk to pursue?

Jesse and Tara had a such a great meet cute, and their connection was palpable right from the start. They were drawn to each other, even after they figured out all the reasons why they shouldn't be. I loved the ways they found to be there for each other when the other one needed them, even when they weren't really "together". They really came to care for each other deeply, and were struggling with the idea of how to make it work. It was bittersweet at times, and often it made me sad. But they both deserved to be happy so much.

I loved getting to see the whole Warrior Fight Club crew from the prior 2 books. Jesse took to the group so well, and that was fun to see. Also, their work colleagues on their dive team were hilarious too. I wouldn't mind knowing more about some of them in the future as well! Seeing how well Jesse and Tara fit into all the aspects of each other's lives was really lovely, and I was just waiting for them both to see it too.

There were a lot of heartfelt, sad moments in this story, but that made the ultimate payoff so much better. I'd definitely like to go back and read about Jesse's sister in Kristen Proby's companion book, which this story is related to. I'd love a little more detail into Jesse's family life before he left for the military, and how everything was back home from his sister's POV.

This was a sweet, sexy story, and I loved how meant-for-each-other this couple was, right from the start. I definitely recommend this story, and I can't wait for the next book where we'll finally get Sean and Dani's story! They've been dancing around each other through 3 books, and it's finally their turn!

ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review.
Reviewed by Megan from Alpha Book Club
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