A review by ameserole
Game of Strength and Storm by Rachel Menard


I have received this ARC from Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.

Game of Strength and Storm was so much fun to dive into. Not only is it a Heracles retelling but we also get some fun characters to fall in love with. Well, not all of them but there's always room for improvement - right?

In this, you will meet and follow three points of view: Gen, Castor and Pollux. From the very beginning, I absolutely loved and adored Gen. She definitely doesn't have things easily handed over to her like some people. She also has one thing on her mind: freeing her father. Then there's her magic and I secretly envied her connections with animals. I can only imagine the things I would do with animals if I had her power. Like a conversation or something else.

Then there's Castor. Now she's the character that has a lot of room for improvement. Definitely got on the wrong foot with her but then again, she was pretty selfish throughout the book. Just like Gen, she has one thing on her mind: ruling the Kingdom. The only thing in her way is Pollux, her brother, who is in line for the throne. Now him, I actually liked. He's the completely opposite of Castor. I also really enjoyed him and Gen getting closer to one another.

Out of the two, I'm honestly not sure who I would want ruling. Other than that, they all go through so much within this book. Whether it was travelling to an island I never want to go to or fighting a giant battle towards the end. In the end, lots of little reveals blew my mind. I honestly didn't see one of them coming. I'm also very excited for the next book within this series.