A review by katieinca
Station Eternity by Mur Lafferty


Murder mystery in space? By Mur Lafferty, author of [b:Six Wakes|28962996|Six Wakes|Mur Lafferty|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1483175828l/28962996._SY75_.jpg|46869174]? Yes please, of course.
This was too many POV changes, and too many POVs altogether. I think I can recall at least eight. It's too much, especially coupled with how many of those were flashbacks, and how little some of those flashbacks really did for the main story. I loved the idea of this book, and the worldbuilding, and the tone, and will absolutely be here for Midsolar Murders #2. But I'm fervently hoping that now that we've gone though all this setup to establish who Mallory is and how she does what she does, we can have a better story.