A review by mwgerard
The Impossible Lives of Greta Wells by Andrew Sean Greer


The Ultimate Throwback Thursday

This unusual book questions the reality of time and place, and our ability to ever really know what is real. It is told from the point of view of Greta Wells, the surviving twin of a brother who died too young. Part of her attempt to recover from her depression is to undergo convulsive shock therapy. but rather than reawakening in her doctor’s office, she finds herself in her apartment, but in 1918. She’s still herself, with the same family members. This is a different version of her life.

She repeats this reawakening again, this time in 1941, just before Pearl Harbor. And in every version she makes choices that begin to affect the entire web of time and place. her depression is real and profound, and in every time for a different reason.

Please support independent reviewers and read my full post here: http://mwgerard.com/accent-impossible-lives-greta-wells/