A review by maccymacd
Toujours Provence by Peter Mayle


I can go through phases of wanting to read book after book on travels to other countries, and then have a period of months where the idea displeases me immensely and makes me feel depressed because I can't go.
This year, I have again found my love for travel books, and ones that are hilariously told are at the top of my list.
I found 'Toujours Provence' in my favourite little bookshop in Cambridge - G David, pushed to the bottom of a book crate that was the result of an academic's house clearance (Sydney Brenner don'tcha know!)
I never dreamed this book would make me laugh so much and make me crave so badly for the rolling hills and easy, gentle lifestyle of Provence. It sounds positively idyllic. And Peter Mayle has such a lovely way of writing. He's completely dedicated to 'fitting in' whether that means dealing truffles in the middle of the night, going for lunch with some friends which takes over 4 hours (food is taken very seriously here) adopting a manic dog that can't keep still and going wine tasting where he is expected to swallow everything he tastes...
I'm now on the look out for the first book in the series and cannot wait to hear more about Peter's adventures. A charming book.