A review by beastreader
Marked by Elisabeth Naughton


The Eternal Guardians are an elite group of Argonauts that guards the immortal realm from attacks from the Underworld.

Theron is the leader of the Argonauts. He has been sent on a mission to find and destroy the marked one. Theron’s people relay on Theron completing his mission.

Casey knew from the first moment she laid eyes on Theron that he was different. She fells a connection with him. Theron and Casey get closer, which makes things harder when Theron learns that Casey is the one he is after. Now, Theron must make a choice…save his people or protect Casey.

Marked is the first book I have read by this author. It is an Eternal Guardians novel. I liked the premise of the book. The first thing that caught my attention was the bright book cover and then the book summary. Well I can tell you that after reading this book that I still like the book cover but that is about all the really like about this book. There was no connection for me with the characters or the story. There was no memorable moment or moments for me. I kind of just went through the motions of reading this book. Plus, I thought that the story jumped around too much, leaving some unanswered questions. Overall, I was not very impressed with this book.