A review by avoraciousreader68
Commencement by Paige Cuccaro



*Book source ~ Many thanks to Entangled Publishing for providing a review copy in exchange for an honest review.

Emma Jane Hellsbane is different than her fellow college students. Not only can she sense other people’s emotions, but she experiences them, too. She’s had to work to keep feelings not her own at bay, but sometimes they overwhelm her. When her boyfriend Justin suddenly doesn’t feel right to her, she seeks help from the one person who she can talk to and not expect him to call her a freak. Mihir is a fifteen-year-old genius, a Junior in college and his family believes in all things mystical. So, even though he hates Emma’s boyfriend because he’s lusting after Emma himself, he’s there to help her figure out what is wrong with Justin. What’s wrong with Justin is way creepy and dangerous. It’s up to a skeptical Emma to save the day.

A good start to a new series this short introduces us to Emma and her freaky ability to sense and feel the emotions of others. Even though she has been able to do this since she could remember, she has a hard time believing Mihir when he starts tossing out ideas as to what is wrong with Justin. I was irritated with her at this point. She’s living with some weird ability and yet she completely doesn’t believe anything else weird is out there? Give me a break. I’d be more apt to believe all kinds of stuff rather than bury my head in the sand and pretend the boogeyman isn’t out there. Other than that though I enjoyed the introduction to the Hellsbane series. Oh, and Justin? He’s an idiot that got what he wished for even if it wasn’t quite how he wanted it.