A review by sophieskilling
If Cats Disappeared From The World by Genki Kawamura


this is one of those books that i feel crazy for not liking because everyone gushes about but it just …. was not good!

the writing style was so strange. weirdly juvenile for a character that is meant to be 30, and for a book that’s already so short the writing was so repetitive? he’d say the same things multiple different ways one after the other? so tbh this should’ve been a short story

everything was so on the nose and over explained. there was no depth to anything and the characters were sooooo one dimensional and boring that when he was trading things off for his life to extend for another day i was just wondering why? like you have nothing going on? why extend that? the only bit that could’ve been interesting was the religious imagery but it was explained to me like i was 5 instead of having any faith in the reader to understand a simple allegory for themselves. 

also this guy has never met a cat in his life because in what world would a cat say that the life of cats is less important than that of one single human and so it’s okay to get rid of ALL CATS for this boring guy to live ONE MORE DAY? that cat absolutely thinks he’s more important than you are, sorry! and he’s right, boring narrator!

anyway, just don’t understand the love this gets. sorry about it!