A review by debtat2
Escondida by Ross Armstrong


She’s watching you, but who’s watching her?

This book is quite hard to review as i don’t want to give anything away and spoil the twists that make this a great book. The reveals are brilliant and i certainly didn’t see what was coming!

If you like books like Girl on the Train and Gone Girl this one is for you.

It stands out from other books in the psychological thriller genre which is a rare treat as this book is told as a first person narrative, completely from our protagonist Lily. Almost reminiscent diary style but in a free-flowing form.

The book’s structure is another feature that makes this book stand out from the others in this heavily populated genre. Other than a prologue the book leaps back in time to over a month before ‘The Event’.
Of course we don’t know what that is because each day / section is prefaced as ‘42 days before it comes; 15 days before it comes‘. And so forth.
Then when we reach 9 days before it changes and Lily starts narrating forward.
It can get a wee bit confusing at times and will have you wondering what on earth is going on, but trust with me, don’t give up and you will be rewarded with the last section of the book!

There are hints through out that narrator Lily may not be entirely reliable, trustworthy, or even sane! She has a very unique take on things.

Lily is a quirky character, some of her thoughts and ideas are quite amusing.
I REALLY enjoyed the style of writing, and found Lily’s pondering’s to be surprisingly insightful and intriguing.

From the title of the book Lily is a watcher, she is a keen bird watcher but she also takes delight in watching her neighbours, so when a neighbour is murdered Lily becomes obsessed with finding the killer.

Lily is convinced she has seen things through her window that could help solve the case and takes it upon herself to investigate more with no concern for her own safety.
It is from there that the book starts to get interesting with plenty of twists and turns that keep you guessing and thinking down the wrong path entirely.

It’s not very often that a book comes along that throws you a massive curve ball but this book manages just that.

It is fantastically creepy with a thrilling atmosphere that you can’t help but get totally absorbed in and Ross’s ability to build up such a strong sense of dread, fear, suspense and confusion is just great!

This is defiantly a book i will be recommending to my friends and family and i will be watching out for Ross Armstrong’s next book 🙂