A review by enayqueerbooklover
The Billionaire and the Escort by Evelyn Mahony


This is the first publication from this author, and you would never know it. I’m really impressed that Evelyn has achieved what I see as a 5 star read right from the start. You might look at the premise, storyline’s that have been done a lot in romance (billionaire/escort), and think it may be a bit cliched. Absolutely not. There is a freshness about this that’s surprising.

It’s everything you want from romantic/erotic fiction. There’s a great vibe between the MCs immediately, sultry & enticing. There’s a good cohesive storyline. There’s no “insta-love”, but they’re both portrayed as kind & caring people interested in the other feeling good, despite it being a business transaction initially. It’s easy/lazy to write insta-love with hot sex, but harder to write care & respect between characters that has meaning & impact.

There’s high steam early in but it isn’t gratuitous or without context to the story, and super-sexy times continue throughout the story (the dirty talk is off-the-Richter HOT!) There’s some angst that really hits you in the feels. And there’s a HEA that wraps things up beautifully. You know you’ve read something special when the book hangs around for days in your head, and the characters linger in your heart. This is one of those.

Evelyn uses dual POV within chapters really well. For example, the swapping POV within their first sex scene together, creates great understanding of building intimacy & perspectives of them both. Sometimes swapping POV from paragraph to paragraph can be confusing & clunky, but this is beautifully done.

If this is Evelyn’s first book, I can’t wait to read what comes next! She’ll definitely be a one-click read for me!

I was given an ARC in exchange for an honest review.