A review by thegeekyblogger
Flesh and Blood by Kristen Painter


Read for Fun
Overall Rating 4.50
Story Rating 4.50
Character Rating 4.50

NOTE: I read this shortly after reading Blood Rights! While I liked this one slightly more where the story was concerned, it took a bit to get used to the number of POVs used. I think this will bother some people more than me as shifting POVs are a preference thing. Once I got settled in, this was a Kick *ss roller coaster ride.

What I Loved: The introduction of the Kubai Mata was fantastic. They are another layer in this already complicated House of Comarre world. However, I think they are a needed layer and well there is Creek (whom I just adored). I also loved seeing more of Mal and Chrys' very complicated relationship. Mal, Creek, and Chrys are an awesome force to be reckoned with and I am very curious to see how it plays out over the next 3 books. Right now though I am really loving Doc and what he will do for love. I do hope we get more of him in the next 3 books.

What I Liked: I really liked getting to explore the club more and all of the characters involved. I think the Fringe and how they relate to both the expelled and current nobles is going to get very interesting. Also, I am waiting to see more of the K.M. and how they fit in overall with Comarre.

Complaints: Small cliffhanger

Why I gave it a 4.5: This was slightly more action packed than Blood Rights. I am really enjoying House of Comarre series.