A review by cr4nkyp4nts
The House on Sandstone by KG MacGregor


**7/9/16 - needed another reread. Wonder if I noticed the head hopping in my previous reads. At first I thought it was because I was listening via text-to-speech but that wasn't it. Still very enjoyable but, for some reason, the changing POVs really stood out to me this time around.**

**2012 - I've read the online version several times and finally bought the published version. This is, I think, the fourth time I've read the book. I'm not sure why this book touches me so much but I find myself drawn to read it at least once a year.

The final chapter of the published version is completely different from the online version. It's always nice to see something different or extra in a published version. But even without it, it's worth the price.

You can read my whole review at the C-Spot Review site: http://reviews.c-spot.net/archives/1710