A review by buttercupita
Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic by Alison Bechdel


This book is brilliant! I can't believe it's been out for over 15 years and I only discovered it by chance when I was passing a free little library in Oak Park, IL and I was worried that the reading material I'd brought for the trip wouldn't last (it did!) So glad this fell into my lap and that I finally took it off the shelf to figure out what it was. I am in awe of Bechdel's skill in building this portrait of the relationship between herself and her father with so many layers, and I particularly enjoyed the way she used great works of literature as lenses. It will require at least another reading because there's so much in it that weaves together in surprising ways. It's quite the achievement when an author leaves me with the feeling that I might really want to tackle a reading of Proust....