A review by ljrinaldi
Valiant High by Daniel Kibblesmith


If you like comic books about teenage superheroes, and like stories set in high schools, then this collection will tick all your boxes. This is a light, sometimes funny, story of a group of super heroes, from the Valiant universe, which I had never heard of before this, as they were in high school. For those who do read those comic books, they will have fun seeing how their heroes were as young men and women. For those who have never read those comic books, this is still very accessable if you are familiar with high school stories.

I almost said if you had ever gone to high school, but high schools are never like they are in the comic books.

The characters are likable. All students are prevented from using their powers. This is ok, until they need to use them.
Valient High
Valient High
Valiant Hight

Perfect that like the silly side of high school stroies, a sort of Archie comics for super heroes.

#ValiantHigh #NetGalley

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.