A review by taranicolewilson
Chaotic Good by Whitney Gardner


Cameron Birch is a geeky girl struggling to find the balance between cosplay, college applications, and a bit of romance on the side, all the while trying to overcome the interent hate on her blog. How does she deal with it? Obviously dressing up as a boy to play Dungeon and Dragons with some guys.

Ok, the entire time I had this geeky grin on my face. Whenever I saw a reference, I was like a squealing mess. There are so many great things here!

Reading how Cameron works on her costumes was so interesting, since I feel its a topic not many authors take on. Her brother is also pretty great, he’s a writer himself. Its a little disappointing they didn’t dive into that as much. The artwork was also very cool. I also really wanted to play Dungeons and Dragons after reading this.

BUT. I had two problems.


1. Insta-love. So Cam has this crush on Link, which is fine, but he literally shows no particular interest in her. UNTIL THE PLOT NEEDS IT. At one point they are playing scrabble, the next they are kissing. Its threw me so much for a loop I had to reread to make sure I wasn’t missing something.

2. Ending: its so fast. Her parents are like we support you here take this phone be good k thanx bye. ???
Then she goes to the comic store and her friends are wearing their outfits, then it ends. We never see how the campaign ends. This infuriated me, it became such a major part of the story, and i don’t get to see what happens.....another thing: we don’t get to know if cameron makes it into college. I know its done purposely, but I really don’t like loose threads in stories.

It really did just need like 10 more pages to wrap this up better.

I honestly did like this a lot, please read fellow nerds!!