A review by mjsam
Sing for My Baby by Jenn Matthews


ARC received via YLVA in exchange for an honest review

I haven’t read Matthews before, but her earlier books had good reviews so I thought I’d give this a go. Unfortunately I wasn’t blown away.

This is a slow burn romance featuring Rosie, who is having a baby using a donor after suffering a loss a few years prior and Amber, a recovering alcoholic who runs into Rosie on the way out of a meeting and ends up joining a choir.

Amber is a great character, she’s sweet and supportive, even though she’s had a crap life, and I found her story and the progression of her recovery really interesting. Rosie is not a great character, she’s judgemental, self-involved and boring and I couldn’t warm to her.

The two strike up a friendship when Amber ‘accidentally’ joins Rosie’s choir and has to get singing lessons. Their friendship progresses, but is hampered by neither of them confessing their big secrets. The problem was the reactions to these secrets. Amber is hurt but understanding about Rosie’s reveal, but Rosie is a straight up bitch about Amber’s. So much so that I also DNF’d the book at that point.

I also found the pregnancy details a little too much. I swear there was more of a focus on the pregnancy than the relationship. Overall, I found the slow burn too slow, especially since I didn’t think they were suited to each other, so wasn’t invested in the HEA. 3 stars.