A review by bernadettebloom
The Family Man by Elinor Lipman


The dry wit and snappy dialogue are what I like most about this author.

In this book Henry is a retired attorney, gay, living a quiet, well-ordered life. He is divorced from his wife Denise, estranged from the step-daughter he adored, Thalia. When he gets a hysterical phone call from his ex-wife whose recent husband has died and she’s been cut out of the will, Henry’s quiet life becomes disrupted with demands on his time, and his expertise. The best part is that it brings Thalia back into his life. Thalia, a wanna-be actress considers fake dating an actor to raise both their profiles. She moves into Henry’s basement so he can help her navigate this contract. Henry begins to shine in his role as father, lawyer, friend and finds new love in the process.

Lots goes on, and at the center of this comedy is steadfast, sarcastic Henry and his wry wisdom.