A review by emybooksandcoffee
The Sound of Things Falling by Juan Gabriel Vásquez


A very captivating, interconnected story-within-a-story which captured succesfully the portrait of a whole generation falling apart - if not a whole country. Actually there were a lot of stories orbiting around the main narrative - a man trying to find clues and missing pieces of the puzzle of a tragedy that affected him personally. I didn't expect the writing style to be that good, but it was lyrical, whimsical and melancholic. This vague feeling of melancholy, of lost dreams, of things falling apart, of grief, seeped throughout every page. The plotlines were woven into the main story very intricatelly, the details never felt overdone, the central themes (past and present and how the former affects the latter, and how our experiences affect our memories and vice versa) were explored with sensitivity and care. The ending left me satisifed but also simoultaneously wanting more, and I think that's an indication of a really good book.