A review by divapitbull
Dark Skye by Kresley Cole


3 1/2 stars

Bits and pieces of Thronos and Lanthe's story have been told in previous installments. Dark Skye goes back to the Island prison of The Order and has Thronos catching up with and abducting Lanthe just as all hell is breaking loose. Thronos and Lanthe are a bit like Romeo & Juliet meets the Odd Couple. They are each members of warring factions; mortal enemies that despise each other and they couldn't possibly be more different. Thronos is a Vrekener - one of the Lore's "morality police". Vrekener's abhor...fun. They're not much for singing, dancing, drinking, gambling, the women dress from head to foot in garments resembling potato sacks and they believe sex is only for procreation and should be enjoyed as little as possible. Lanthe is a Sorceri - a hedonistic, sensual, scantily clad, gold worshiping lover of life to the fullest. Just about everything Lanthe enjoys is what Thronos calls "an offendment" which requires repentance. Thronos in short is a self righteous, sanctimonious, judgmental buzz kill. (In his defense I will say that while he initially makes liberal use of the slut shaming - he at least is not a hypocrite and does not have a double standard. He's a virgin and it irks him to no end that Lanthe has a colorful sexual history).

Soon after Thronos abducts Lanthe; both he and Lanthe are abducted by a hoard of marauding evil Pravus - their only escape being one of Lanthe's less than acurate portals to - somewhere other than here. They spend most of the rest of the story trying to get back to something close to "home" - which proves to be quite an adventure as they traipse across worlds. In the process they become reacquainted, resolve past differences, and right past misconceptions. Thronos in particular is forced to re-evaluate his belief system and face some hard truths about family as well as about the nature of his origins (yes, he has wings...but someone also has horns...just sayin').

I enjoyed Dark Skye and I eventually came to like Thronos (I always liked Lanthe). I did feel like it started to drag a bit after the first 50% and not enough was happening plot wise. I also wish there had been more use made of an ensemble cast; and that Nix had played a larger role.