A review by chapita4
Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town by Jon Krakauer


Really well researched and written book that could easily transfer to any college town in America. As a former prosecution based victim advocate, I found the challenges and struggles depressingly familiar. In particular I found myself discouraged by the actions of Kirsten Pabst and I fear for the victims of her jurisdiction. It is hard enough to be the victim of a sexual assault, to then be further victimized by the system that is supposed to hold offenders accountable is reprehensible.
I applaud Jon Krakauer for putting into word the reality of rape victims and for illuminating the weaknesses of the many systems that are involved when a crime occurs on campus.
The most difficult aspect of advocating for crime victims was the lack of protection for victims of crime. As an accused person your rights are vigorously protected and there are strict rules about what can be said to and about you. There are no such protections for victims and it was infuriating to watch defense attorney's make false statements about victims in order to defend their clients. Further, jurors have a false sense that if an attorney makes a statement it must be true which greatly influences the outcomes of trial. Great job Mr. Krakauer and I thank you for caring enough about victims to write this book.