A review by literarykate616
Something Like Fate by Susane Colasanti


I wanted to like this book, but I just couldn’t relate to Lani at all. I don’t care if you’re in love with this “perfect guy”—no guy is worth lying to your best friend. If he’s perfectly fine with sneaking around then frankly you should just kick him to the curb. I could not see Lani’s attraction to Jason because coincidences don’t necessarily mean you’re soul mates. I’ve met plenty of guys who I had things in common with and then they either turned out to be just friends or total jerks.

Jason never should have dated Erin if he was really interested in Lani. Stupid move, dude. I spent most of the book wanting to call up Erin to bash Lani and Jason. I wouldn’t have taken it to the extreme like Erin chose to do, but we could have “drawn horns and blacked out her tooth with a marker” (bonus points if you recognize those lyrics) on a picture of Lani and then used it for dart practice.

Even though I didn’t like the main character, I will say that this was a well-written book and I hope to check out other titles by Susane Colasanti. The subject matter just didn’t agree with me and I hated how Lani had no hesitations about dating Jason even though Erin was still pissed off about the break-up.