A review by introverteddragonscribbles
Legend of the Rainbow Eater by Kristiana Sfirlea


Taking place after the events of Legend of the Storm Sneezer (Rose gets kidnapped and taken to an asylum for angels with unstable magic, makes friends, and saves the world from a hoard of ghosts along the way), Rose and the Blackouts, a group of asylum patients and orderlies tasked with finding the mythical creatures from Blackout’s Tales, are given an assignment—to wish the Wishing Mist out of existence to prevent anyone from using it for ill. But things don’t go exactly as planned as the Blackouts wake up in a town called Mapleton, where one bizarre event after another takes place, all leading up to a hostile takeover by teddy bears and hellhounds.

Legend of the Rainbow Eater is quite the sequel. And dare I say, Sfirlea really outdid herself on this one! While the plot was somewhat complicated near the end and took a moment for me to puzzle out, it was certainly a wild and enjoyable ride. All the events ended on such a twisted cliffhanger, I have to know more! It was similar to the ending of Now You See Me 2. Somewhat confusing, a bit crazy, and leaves you saying, What!?

As always, Rose and Marek are one of my favorite Middle Grade duos, with their very steady and interesting friendship. Rose and her odd habit of licking magical things, and Marek with his steady, solid attitude and very rational fear of squonks. I did enjoy how the characters developed throughout the story, especially Aiden and Sephone. Though, in my opinion, Sephone could use a little bit more of humble pie, if you know what I mean. But one can only change their nature so much.

The dialogue felt so natural. I mean, have you ever read a book where the characters talking to each other feels a tad forced in some scenes and slightly ridiculous in others? Yeah, there’s none of that in this book. Every character has their own unique voice, and it all flows so naturally to leave me a tad jealous of Sfirlea’s amazing skill.

Overall, Legend of the Rainbow Eater is a funny, wild, crazy, and entertaining story of friendship, family, and faith in the impossible.

Thank you to Monster Ivy Publishing for the free ARC in exchange for a review!