A review by mckinlay
And She Was by Jessica Verdi


*I received an early DRC of this book for free from edelweiss and the publisher. This does not affect my review.*

TW: transphobia, use of dead names and mis-gendering.

I think writing a review for this is waaaay out of my lane. I tried to find trans reviews, but haven't been able to. So if you know of one, please link me!

I will say I really enjoyed Mellie's story.

I thought Dara was incredibly selfish, but she did have a lot of growth.

Sam was an absolute doll, and the highlight of the book, in my opinion.

THERE IS A LOT OF DEAD NAMING AND MIS-GENDERING IN THIS BOOK. while I do think it made sense in the context of the story, and the characters that were doing it, I hate that Dara repeatedly let it go without calling them out on it.