A review by jenmangler
Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town by Jon Krakauer


It seems really perverse to rate this 4 stars when that's supposed to mean I "really liked it." I did not like this book. That seems impossible. I've never rage-read a book until this one. I couldn't put this one down because it made me so angry that I kept reading in the hopes that some justice would prevail. I am a feminist and I consider myself an educated woman, and this book made me ashamed at how little I really know and understand about rape. The study by Lisak discussed in the book at length, in particular, completely shocked me.

The day before I read this book (the first time) I heard about a piece in the L.A. Times in which the author criticized campus rape activists for focusing on this lesser feminist problem when there were so many other more important global issues facing women. It made me angry at the time. After reading this book, it makes me absolutely livid. News opinion pieces like this are the reason this book is so important.

I read this book for the second time as there is a renewed focus on sexual harassment and sexual assault. Talk about timely. There are so many myths and misunderstandings about rape that get in the way of our dealing with it effectively. So much needs to change.