A review by kayhell
Disability Visibility: First-Person Stories from the Twenty-First Century by Alice Wong


excellent anthology, starts and ends with compassion. the essays that spoke the most to me were:

- Six Ways of Looking at Crip Time by Ellen Samuels
- Unspeakable Conversations by Harriet McBryde Johnson
- When You Are Waiting to be Healed by June Eric-Udorie,
- I'm Tired of Chasing a Cure by Liz Moore,
- Lost Cause by Reyma McCoy McDeid,
- On NYC's Paratransit, Fighting for Safety, Respect, and Human Dignity by Britney Wilson,
- The Erasure of Indigenous People in Chronic Illness by Jen Deerinwater,
- Why My Novel is Dedicated to My Disabled Friend Maddy by A.H. Reaume