A review by bookschief_managed
Five Ways to Fall Out of Love by Emily Martin


A HUGE thank you to Inkyard Press, Emily Martin, and NetGalley for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

This was such a fun, quick read. Aubrey grew so much over the course of the book and you can see her mature so much. I would say this book was more coming of age than romance, but it still had the romance aspects. And can I just say, I loved how real some of this book felt. I actually felt like I was right there alongside Aubrey as she experienced some of these moments and I honestly loved that.

The characters in this book were an absolute pleasure. I loved Aubrey, and of course Holland, Reese, and Webster. I loved the progression of this book and how truly real and raw some of the moments felt.

This book did contain a couple scenes that were fairly hot and heavy for a YA book, but nothing too bad. There weren't any super descriptive passages or anything too raunchy, but they were fairly intense for YA. I wouldn't recommend it for younger readers on that side of the YA spectrum.