A review by tensy
Captive by Iris Johansen


I read a couple of Johansen's Eve Duncan series decades ago. I vaguely remember her daughter, Jane, mentioned in those books. This novel takes up Jane's story in the Scottish Highlands. Since I haven't read recent Johansen novels I was thrown into this story with little to no character development, so I was pretty much clueless from the get-go. The only really positive thing I can say about this novel is the pacing...fast. It doesn't take long to read, but neither does it take long to explore anything. The dialogue is painful and felt like Jane and Caleb were constantly providing obscure mini lectures to each other. But wait, there was some sex, of the BAMM! variety, short and almost as an afterthought to remind us that these two are crazy in love. The number of dead and tortured people is in the high numbers but not once do local police show up asking questions. Dispend belief those who enter this novel. And I have not seen actual visual sound effects in thrillers since the early days of the Batman TV series. Seriously, she uses the words RAT-AT-AT-AT! to describe gun fire and BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! for drone strikes. I may be too old and read too many books, but I can't believe the high ratings this drivel has received on Goodreads.