A review by actuallycandy
The Corsair's Captive by Ruby Dixon


A space pirate romance! Definitely original and I'm glad Ruby Dixon brought this series to life.

Kivian is probably my favourite character in this installment. There is just something about witty sarcastic flirters that just intrigues my interest. Fran on the other hand was just, "meh" in my mind which is unfortunate. But then again was I expecting a fully fleshed out characters in a 200 page book? Not really... So for the little story we got I really appreciate the characters nonetheless.

My disappointment is the twiddling of thumbs in the asteroid belt. We could have gotten an epic chase or final battle to awaken Fran's feelings and make Kivian's true intentions shine. But we got hiding criminals in the belt and a bored out crew.

Will I be reading the rest of the series? Absolutely, Ruby Dixon is my Queen! And this pirate space adventure will be no different. I see so much potential and I'm sure this series will serve to be just as addictive as her other books