A review by nbvanderhyden
Reverb by Anna Zabo


This book was a beating. As in it constantly beat me over the head at how awesome and atypical and amazing this band was and how they were such a great family and cared so much for each other and word vomit word vomit word vomit. I call this the "Everything is Awesome Pot Hole" where all element just click together in a super unrealistic way. I started (early on) skimming the group interactions. Which unfortunately, became much of the book because the whole group was in almost every scene. It really took away from the romance between the two MC's. I didn't really feel much chemistry between the MC's, but maybe that was because they weren't allowed to be alone together for long. The big conflict -not the stalker but the issue where David didn't feel he could stay on- was stupid. That's the best adjective I can even think for it. Maybe cliche is better? Lame? Whatever. I give this read two stars because it wasn't poorly/structurally written, I was just bored out of my mind and sick of hearing how great they all are.