A review by magicgone
The Body of a Girl by Leah Stewart


ok my biggest issue with this book is that the story….. does not do anything at all. there are absolutely 0 plot points that are satisfyingly resolved, there‘a no reveal that pulls all the threads together, there’s no real explanation for absolutely insane and unfounded character choices. if you want to siphon through page after page of waxing lyrical about a Memphis summer, i suppose there’s a point to be found about the perfect victim through the media lens and the ‘less dead’ that get pushed out of focus, but that isn’t what this story is about. this story is a woman who is (was?) objectively good at her job, making a bunch of bizarre choices because she “got in too deep” after a girl who looks like her turns up dead, and then continues to make bizarre choices after the case is closed because…. reasons? yikes