A review by doorisajar
Cry Havoc: An Event Book by Skip Williams


The most useful part of the book is actually the section on raising, supplying, and maintaining armies in the d20 framework. Unfortunately, it's also one of the shorter sections. Much of the text is devoted to unit combat -- that is, combat between armies on the scale of hundreds of troops. The rules are clear and don't feel tacked-on at all, but as a result it's hard to get excited about them. I do like the framework for quickly resolving wars on a larger scale and then letting the results of the roll play out over time, but for small-scale engagements I'll probably use the successive skirmish framework laid out in Green Ronin's Advanced Dungeon Master's Guide.

Cry Havoc is definitely a worthwhile purchase for anyone looking to run wars in d20, though, especially if you're playing Dungeons & Dragons and not a d20 variant.