A review by acouplereadss
Let's Never Talk About This Again: A Memoir by Sara Faith Alterman

emotional reflective sad fast-paced


Let’s Never Talk About This Again is a memoir that follows Sara and her discovery of her father’s secret life, his R rated writing career. It’s about love, loss, and how Alzheimer’s can change the person you’ve known and loved. Sara lived a strict G rated life, with parents who would never discuss sex. When Sara discovers her father is a campy sex writer who’s sold millions of books in multiple languages her world spins on an axis. For decades Sara kept this discovery secret, until her father develops early onset Alzheimer’s disease and decides he’s going to revive his writing career - with Sara’s help.

A poignant and humour based memoir about a woman’s struggle to understand her father and the way he raised her when he himself turned out to be something else than what he portrayed himself as. This was quite heartbreaking underneath the humour, watching a person you love forget themselves and those they love is incredibly difficult.

Full of 80s and 90s nostalgia and those of us old enough to remember will appreciate the time when the internet was up and coming. It was quite a weird lens to look through at a time when sex was less discussed but also familiar in a way.

Memoirs have been the type of nonfiction books I enjoy, reading others experiences is like a friend sitting down to tell you their story. I’m always on the lookout for more, 3✨ for this one.