A review by crookedtreehouse
Reign of X Vol. 4 by Leah Williams, Benjamin Percy, Vita Ayala, Tini Howard, Gerry Duggan


Another mixed bag of fun from Marvel's Krakoan section.

Wolverine #10 by [a:Benjamin Percy|215907|Benjamin Percy|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1362111803p2/215907.jpg] is fun continuity porn for those of us who read X-Men in the 90s. I care a little less that they're using Maverick with each passing issue. Still, it's got some interesting consequences for both the X-books and maybe even the larger Marvel Universe. Plus, [a:Adam Kubert|61330|Adam Kubert|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1270670936p2/61330.jpg]'s layouts in this book are the best I can remember in the modern X-books. 3/5*

I've spent many of the reviews mentioning that it's not [a:Tini Howard|14205385|Tini Howard|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1573146594p2/14205385.jpg]'s fault that I'm not into their Excalbir run (issue #17 appears here). The whole Otherworld/Magick/Captain Britain portion of the Marvel Universe just isn't my thing. But in this issue, Howard focuses on a conversation between Psylocke and an alternate universe Kwannon, and has some Rogue/Gambit/Wisdom shenanigans. And while I don't feel like a lot happens in this particular issue, the writing is so solid that I really wish Howard was writing a title I was more interested in. I enjoy their style of dialogue, and sense of pacing. The art was sometimes weirdly staged but not distracting. 3/5*

[a:Leah Williams|13881554|Leah Williams|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1441655853p2/13881554.jpg] 's X-Factor was the highlight of this collection for me. Since returning from the Mojoverse, this book is contantly improving. The Siryn/Polaris storyline here is fun, classic X-Factor, but the focus on Prodigy's powers and his desire to study what happens to mutants as they go through the resurrection process is the most intriguing thing happening right now in any of these books. I also love her dialogue. The art was a bit too green for me (literally, I'm not inferring the artist is new...the color palette just seemed off) but otherwise great. 4/5*

If you like Cable/Stryfe/clone/time travel shenanigans, this will probably be your bag. [a:Gerry Duggan|594966|Gerry Duggan|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1442471582p2/594966.jpg] knows how to write a fun X-romp. And I love when Domino is involved but isn't Serious Brooding Domino. But while the story was just good, [a:Phil Noto|16455041|Phil Noto|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1569975247p2/16455041.jpg]'s art was, as usual, the highlight of the book. I just love the way he shoots body language and facial grammar. 4/5*

[a:Vita Ayala|16130337|Vita Ayala|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1598534913p2/16130337.jpg] writes like a four year old in need of a tutor for the first ten pages, then like 21st century Chris Claremont for the rest of the book. I now understand why every customer in our store who subscribed to Children Of The Atom dropped it after the first issue. I couldn't name or care about a single character in this book. 0/5*