A review by lunaseassecondaccount
To Your Scattered Bodies Go by Philip José Farmer


As many others have said, the premise is what drives this book. The idea of the billions of people who have populated the planet all coming back to life at the same time is a fascinating idea. How would different people interact, what ideas would form, and so on. The group Farmer has pulled together is also an interesting one- explorer Richard Francis Burton, Alice Liddell of Alice in Wonderland fame, a Holocaust survivor and a Neanderthal.

The world Farmer has built is both scintillating and disappointing. Much time is given into explaining how people get food, luxuries, and later, clothing. But time passes by so rapidly, and I can't help but wonder if at some point Farmer just wanted to get on with it and decided to skip all the necessary in-between. This could have been done much better, in my opinion.

What gets the rating for me, though, is the premise. This is what drives the story. Farmer also released several sequels (as well as a shared universe series), and so I wonder if perhaps the timing was improved in later novels. I suppose I shall have to wait and see read!