A review by colorcrystals
Revel by Maurissa Guibord


Trespass Island hides its secrets from the outside world extraordinarily well. And then Delia McGovern arrived.
Revel was absolutely amazing. Face-paced, well written, and humorous, I'd love it if I could give Revel 4.5 stars.
I'm usually torn after reading books with Greek mythology woven in. I tend to enjoy them, but discrepancies with the storyline and myths bug me. It was nice to read a novel that included mythology, but not enough for there to really be any major discrepancies.
The suspense in this novel made impossible for me to put down. You know something is going on, but you don't know what. Then Guibord throws in a plot twist, making you want even more. Guibord also did a nice job with the budding romances in Revel. They were there, but romance wasn't the main focus.
My only real problem with the book was the lack of development of the characters. Delia had the most development, which was appropriate because she is the main character. I would have liked to see the other characters developed more thoroughly.
Overall, this book was amazing. As I said before, I wish I could give it 4.5 stars.