A review by lostinagoodbook
Web of Frost by Lindsay Smith


Disclaimer: I received this book free from Netgalley in exchange for an unbiased review.

Katza is very young. She’s in her late teens. Completely unprepared to lead her kingdom of Russalka. Her father has left her completely in the dark about the kingdom, the web of intrigue around court life, the unhappiness of her subjects and her magical abilities. So once she gains some power, of course she mucks it all up.


I’m not down on an anti-hero per se, but Katza was a little hard to take. She was obviously being manipulated by someone with ulterior motives (no spoilers so I won’t say who but it is very obvious). The magic she is using is also starting to influence her thoughts and feelings to a scary degree. She is becoming a danger to her own people. She needed to either snap the hell out of it or someone needed to put her down … yeah I said it … that’s how I felt, and that is a bad place for your heroine to be in.

The writing itself was not bad. The setting was interesting, but not inspiring. I know Russia is the trend right now, so the book was published with good timing. There were a few odd jumps forward that felt a little jarring. I was also left slightly confused by the end about the effects of the magical system. I’m not entirely sure if she was having the bad effects because of using the magic, or was it because of the outside influence? I’m not really sure. I know this is part of a series, but I’m not sufficiently interested in the character to come back again for a part two in order to find out the answers to my questions. Unfortunately, it is a no for me.