A review by meghapatel
The Art of Warfare by Sun Tzu


Oh. My. God.

I feel like it’s been a while since I read such a marvelous book.

It’s a whirlwind of drama and emotions. I was laughing, swooning, getting frustrated, hating a lot of people, and crying. Oh boy was I crying or what? I was an emotional wreck. Just be prepared for that plot twist towards the end.

There are so many characters in this book that I kept losing track of everyone. Good thing there was a family tree so I could refer back to it every 2 seconds. There are characters who I love and then there are others that I hate cause they are pure evil. For instance, Eleanor. Yes, Nick’s mom. I do not like her one bit. I just don’t understand how she can be so cruel. Can’t she give up her old ways of thinking for her own son’s happiness. I mean I do understand cause I grew up in an conservative Indian family too but doesn’t mean I like her.

The whole Singapore scene with these rich families seems so toxic. Specially with the ladies trying to one up each other. But it happens. It’s the way they have grown up and it hard to leave your roots behind. Everyone has their own agenda and everyone is trying to sabotage someone. Our main victim being Rachel.

Rachel is a smart, sensible woman and Nick is just so kind, down to earth, and completely smitten over Rachel. I need a Nick of my own. I truly love them both and their relationship. Every time Elenore or that stupid Francesca girl tried to come between them I was outraged. Let them be. They are happy and in love. But I have to say it makes for a great drama sequence, which I love. I loved how Rachel stayed true to her morals, no matter what anyone tired to break them up or make Rachel look bad. And kudos to Nick for standing besides her when she needed him the most. I just adore them.

And then there was Astrid. I felt so bad for her. She is so wonderful and deserves nothing but the best. Anyone else ship Astrid and Charlie? Cause ya girl is on that board. He seems so sweet and really cares for her. It needs to happen. Michael who?

I am so glad I finally picked this book up because it is phenomenal. The Asian representation, the culture, the characters, just everything. It’s addicting. From first page to last, it’s packed with drama, fun, and craziness. I love, love, love.

On to the movie now!!