A review by ambeesbookishpages
The Crown's Game by Evelyn Skye


The full review + more can be found at The Book Bratz

I just don't understand why I am always disappointed in over hyped books. I was positive I was going to like this one too. I love anything to do with Russian history, especially the Romanov's (Who is the Tsar in this book.) It is probably the only time I paid attention my whole 10th grade year history class. But besides that aspect I was honestly disappointed in The Crown's Game. I made it to 62% before I started to skim and then ultimately gave up. So I know about the ending briefly, I know that is painful and I know that it was paced real slow for my taste.

-I was expecting a fast paced, fantasy packed book. It was full of fantasy, but it was slow and not really exciting to me. I was more: "When is everything going to pick up." then: "OMG I am loving this." At first I did love The Crown's Game and slowly my loved waned to it's: "Just okay."

-I wasn't a fan of the characters. Pasha was the only one I really actually liked.

-The magic aspect was cool, but it wasn't the kind of "magic" that I was hoping for.

I am not going to say much more, a majority of people really seemed to enjoy this one. For me it was just blah. Maybe one day I will like this one better? I don't know. This sure wasn't the type of review I was hoping to give this book.

Why three stars? The aspect was interesting, the time period, and overall world building was amazing. Skye's writing is beautiful. It was more of the characters that I had an issue with then anything else.